Grant Recipients

70888486_2519493141616312_2708201343708823552_o_2519493134949646  Grant recipients, Vicki Kwong was able to travel to Thailand this year. Here is her testimonial. It is stories like hers that makes our hard work worthwhile:

When one thinks of extra costs which are linked to disability some of the first things that come to mind might include healthcare, home adaptations and technological adaptive aids.

As someone with a physical disability who loves to explore the world around her and afar, the costs of traveling with a personal assistant is high on my list as an extra cost that significantly influences where and how often I can travel to destinations.

Fortunately, with the grant assistance from the Canadian Assisted Travel Society I was able to alleviate some of the financial burden associated with having my personal assistant accompany me during my latest and greatest traveling experience–Thailand.

Much thanks to CATS for affording me the ability to (without hesitation), book those plane tickets and experience a part of the world that has been on my bucket list for a very long time!

Regards, Vicki Kwong


Another Grant Recipient in 2019, Sarah Lapp (Bourne) was able to travel to Disneyworld  this year with her husband for their honeymoon. We were honored to be able to help this wonderful couple. Here is their testimonial:

A Fairytale Honeymoon Come True…

Presentation1 CATS.001My Husband and I both have physical disabilities and traveling out of our hometown always takes extra planning and extensive organization when it comes to considering our personal and physical care needs. Factoring in the financial expenses for an extra person is a significant reason why I don’t jump at the opportunity to travel.

Thanks to Canadian Assisted Travel Society, we were able to fully experience DISNEYWORLD and enjoy our time together while making sure we had the support I require for daily living, We couldn’t have made this trip a reality without the travel grant from CATS and their generous donors.
Sincerely, Sarah Lapp (Bourne)


Our first Grant Recipient was Amelia Cooper!    Amelia pic

Amelia Cooper had a travel dream in celebration of being Cancer free for 10 years! Amelia traveled with her assistant and her partner to Orlando, Florida. CATS was able to help fund part of the her attendant travel expenses.

Congratulation Amelia, from the CATS Team!

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